Version 0.0.4

Hey all! I have decided to post monthly devlogs from now on(More or less) to achieve consistency and better quality of those devlogs.
Today, we gonna talk about V. 0.0.4 which brings a lot of new key features and fixes  into the game!

New assets:
-Added different tree versions
-Added fenced around the map
-Lootable Chest
-Pistol (Really basic right now, working on it still)

New stuff:

-Added arms to the player
-Added new player animations (Walking, Idle, Reload)
-Added a new and better bullet trail(Will improve that more and gotta fix a bug, but it is definetely better than the other one)
-Added weapon recoil when aiming (Vertical and horizontal)

              -Right now only one pattern, but I will add more in the future

-Added wapon spray when not aiming

-Fixed the last bugs of the minimap(First version now finished, tho I will definetely improve it in the future)

-Enemies now have proper minimap icons as well
-Added first version of enemy animations(Much more work will be done here): Walking, aiming, dying
-Chests and dead enemies will spawn cubes which you can collect by going near them to increase your ammo
-Enemies now have a healthbar 
-Enemy now walks a little bit slower

-Added invisible world borders
-Did some testing with an automatic door opening and closing event(Will be the gate of the base in the future)

-Added an explosion effect on the TNT barrells
-Added force to the TNT barrells when they explode so smaller props(pylons, Crates, pallets) will now be effected by the blast and get pushed away
-Player now also gets damage from the TNT barrels

Bug fixes:
-Fixed a bug when near an enemy his rotation got messed up and went to the ground
-Fixed a bug where enemies didn't move in patroling
-Fixed a bug where player couldn't sprint
-Fixed a bug where camera overlapped with objects thus making the player be able to look through them
-Fixed a bug where gun trails wouldn't show
-Fixed a bug where when you looked down and crouched your crosshair turned red and you were able to shoot yourself

Planned for the next month: 
-Finish the pistol
-Health regeneration
-More assets
-Enemy animations
-Expanding the map
-Menus and settings and death screen
-And more hopefully :D

Thx for playing and have a great day! <3

Files 54 MB
Mar 25, 2021

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