First Player Model Draft, Headshots & More

-Added a test version for player model 
            -Now I can work on the arms attached to the gun, animations and overall the feel of the game. 
             -There will definetely be more characters and maybe I will remove this character completely, but right now it`s for implementing and testing                   stuff
             -Right now only the enemies have it, but the actual player will have it soon as well

-Added the ability to headshot with a headshot-multiplier and a unique headshot hitmarker
-Added extra score when you kill someone with a headshot
-Added a red hitmarker when you kill someone
-Decreased movement speed when you  are shooting

-Fixed a bug where at the start of game the Player Script  would not recognize a specific component

Social Media and other notes:

-Integrated Git to my  project (Only  for backups)
-Will work on Discord Server in the next few weeks

Known issues:

-Get more  score when you headshot an enemy with your pistole than inteded

Working  on now:

-Attaching player model to player
-Working on the first map
-Modelling stuff for the game
-Adding a menu

Thx for following and  playing the game :D

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